Why AI is already controlling your brain and you just don't know it!
A few years ago I started my own social media App @live.upload. I spent a lot of money, time and effort on it. At the beginning it was going amazingly well with a lot of people signing top and using it. But a social media App needs constant marketing and feeding to bring new people in. If people don’t post, others won’t come and becomes a chicken/egg thing. Anyway, it wasn’t a huge success after the initial big bang especially because Google started doing what I was doing with the App and you can’t compete with Google! I learnt a lot and am using the back engine of the App for a new project, so it wasn’t a waste of money after-all.
What I learnt through the development of the app and working with the Algorithm was just how powerful these apps can be in not only viewing but “controlling” your behaviour. TikTok probably does it best but Insta has now followed suit.
These apps throw you a new bone here and there and see if you grab it. If you do, it shows interest on your part. If you spend a bit of time on the new bone, then more interest, then more similar bones and so on. It can be “any” subject. For example, they may show you a conspiracy theory post. If you find it of interest, other conspiracy theory posts will appear. Soon enough, you start believing there are chem-trails up there trying to kill you, the fires of LA were started to hide the crimes of Diddy’s guests, vaccines are soon going to control your mind and so on. I am not saying there is no validity to some of these stories (in some way).
But social media soon starts to direct and take over your mind and your beliefs - however insignificant in comparison to other beliefs of yours. The more time you spend, the more convinced you become and soon YOU may start posting similar content and you become a contributor to the merry-go-round of whatever subject interests you - pushed on to you by social media.
The only way out is to delete your social media before it further rots your brain. But guess what? You can’t! Because it is stronger than you, Because it knows you better than you. Because social media is already AI. It just hasn’t been labelled as such.