How long term health problems often have an easy fix
Having been in the complimentary medicine game for over 30 years, I have seen a lot of illness and disease. It never fails to amaze me how easy some things are to spot or fix and how doctors and the patient themselves are not able to find a solution.
I suspect the reason for this is that they are not really looking for it - it, being the cause! Most doctors are concerned with the treatment and usually with drugs. Most patients are not open-minded enough and too skeptical to think that something simple can fix their long-standing issue. They always look for the white coat doctor to fix their issues. It’s too unthinkable that they can maybe find out the issue and not need a doctor!
As someone that has an aerial view, whether in business or health, I always step back and try and look for things that others may have missed.
Let me give you some real-life examples of what I am talking about and where I have helped people with the simplest of fixes:
Dry patches on skin
Woman was getting dry patches all over her body. It was periodical with no seemingly known cause. Doctors gave her cortisone cream which seems to make it worse. In these sort of instances, I question and question and keep questioning the person until I get my answer.
You know why she was getting these dry patches, and periodically?
She was having Botox done and it was overwhelming her body. So the body was sending the excess toxins onto her skin. The patches coincides exactly with 2-3 weeks after her having botox! She stopped Botox and the patches disappeared completely.
Headache in the morning
This one was funny because it was a doctor that had suddenly started getting headaches in the morning. They couldn’t figure out why and just kept taking pills for the headache. Again, I questioned and questioned and it turned out they washed their long-term pillows at EXACTLY the same time that the headaches started.
Curious, you may say?
Not really! They washed their pillows. The pillows lost their firmness and the doctor was getting a headache subsequently, which was originating from neck pain as a result of lack of support. The solution was very simple! I asked them to buy the exact same pillows they had and the headaches went the next day!
Simples lol
Long-term stress
Stress is a very complex thing to treat. Many causes, all interlaced and usually long term build-up etc
This one particular case stands out because I figured the patient was mouth-breathing and not really relaxing at nights. I found this out by looking at ALL aspects of his life. Often with alternative medicine, a practitioner looks at so many aspects of a person’s life - well, a practitioner that is good at what they do!
We fixed the issue with some exercises to strengthen the tongue and a humidifier, which I told them to buy and put next to their bed. They started sleeping better and breathing better through the nose at nights, which is better for NO2 production and restful sleep. Their stress levels went right down.
Many people suffer from sleep apnea and breathing issues at nights and this really affects many areas of their life but they are totally unaware and doctors never really go this deep into finding the true “cause” of issues.
Anyway, just a few examples for you to ponder! If you want to learn more, have a look at my site www.reflexology.co.uk which I am building, but very slowly as I am so busy with my various businesses and mentoring etc
Actually another case comes to mind. That of a person with severe Arthritis. Honestly, I fixed it with 2 dietary changes! No red meat and no soda! As simple as that! Unbelievable, right? And this person was on Cortisone, suffered for years and so on. If you have Arthritis, make sure you get my book on this from Amazon or download the ebook from this site.